Sachet coussin vertical

Sachet coussin traditionnel à trois soudures latérales, fermeture centrale ou décalée à l'arrière, toute une gamme d'accessoires refermables disponibles.

Le sachet coussin est un sac polyvalent conçu pour contenir facilement les liquides, les solides, les poudres et presque tous les autres produits. Ce format est un choix très populaire pour plusieurs raisons : non seulement les sachets coussin sont faciles à ranger et à transporter, mais ils sont aussi très abordables, pratiques et écologiques car ils peuvent être réutilisés. De plus, ils assurent une étanchéité au dos, en haut et en bas pour une fraîcheur et une qualité assurée. Des caractéristiques conviviales comme des encoches de déchirure, des fermetures éclair refermables ou des fenêtres transparentes peuvent également faire passer votre produit à un niveau supérieur. Les sachets coussin peuvent être formés à partir de pratiquement n'importe quel matériau d'emballage, y compris le LDPE, le BOPP, le PET, le PA et bien d'autres. Une combinaison de matériaux tels que l'aluminium avec du PET et du PP améliore la durabilité des matériaux d'emballage, tandis que de multiples couches de LDPE (polyéthylène basse densité) produisent un sachet avec une flexibilité accrue.


Vegatronic 2000 OF - for diary diced cheese in shrinked pillow

Ima Ilapak Vegatronic 2000 OF vertical form fill seal bagger packaging machine for diary dice cheese in pillow bag

Vegatronic 6000 and WA 16-10 slim - for produce soup cubes in pillow bag

Ima Ilapak Vegatronic 6000 vertical form fill seal bagger packaging machine and multihead weigher WA 16-10 slim for produce soup cubes in pillow bag

Vegatronic 2000 OF and WA 14-50 - for meat & poultry chicken wings in pillow bag

Ima Ilapak Vegatronic 2000 OF vertical form fill seal bagger packaging machine and multihead weigher Weightronic WA 14-50 for meat and poultry chicken wings in pillow bag

Vegatronic 6000 - with ultrasonic sealing jaws for produce cut salad in vertical pillow bag

Ima Ilapak Vegatronic 6000 vertical form fill seal bagger packaging machine with ultrasonic sealing jaws for produce cut salad in pillow bag

Vegatronic 2000 OF - for IQF meat in pillow bag

Ima Ilapak Vegatronic 2000 OF bagger packaging machine for IQF meat in pillow bag

Vision 2000 with Vegatronic 1600 Inclined - for bakery bread rolls in pillow vertical

Ima Ilapak Vision 2000 counting machine and dosing system with vertical form fill seal bagger Vegatronic 1600 Inclined for bakery bread rolls in pillow vertical

Vegatronic 2300 OF - Freemium - Produce - Pillow bag vertical

Vegatronic 1000 with auger filler - for flour/powder in pillow bag

Ima Ilapak Vegatronic 1000 vertical form fill seal bagger packaging machine with auger filler system flour powder in pillow bag

Vegatronic 6000 with WA 16-10 slim - for stock cubes for pillow

Ima Ilapak Vegatronic 6000 vertical form fill seal bagger packaging machine and multihead weigher Weightronic WA 16-10 slim for produce stock cubes in pillow bag

Alfa 1200 Vegatronic 1000 and WA 16-25 - for gourmet powder in 4 side seal multipack bag

Ima Ilapak complete line Alfa 1200 Vegatronic 1000 vertical form fill seal bagger packaging machine and multihead weigher Weightronic WA 16-25 for multipack pillow bag of gourmet powder

Vegatronic 1000 with WA 14-65 - for produce cut salad in pillow bag

Ima Ilapak Vegatronic 1000 vertical form fill seal bagger packaging machine plunger with multihead weigher Weightronic WA 14-65 for produce cut salad in pillow bag

Vegatronic 1000 Inclined and WA 10-80 - for bakery bread rolls in pillow bag

Ima Ilapak Vegatronic 1000 Inclined vertical form fill seal bagger packaging machine and multihead weigher Weightronic WA 10-80 for bakery bread rolls

Vegatronic 1600 Inclined - Freemium - Vision Counter Bakery bread Pillow Vertical

Vegatronic 6000 - for diary cheese mozzarella balls with preserving liquid in pillow bag

Ima Ilapak Vegatronic 6000 vertical form fill seal bagger packaging machine for diary cheese mozzarella balls with preserving liquid in pillow bag

Vegatronic 6000 and WA 14-65 - for produce cut salad in pillow

Ima Ilapak Vegatronic 6000 vertical form fill seal bagger packaging machine with multi head weigher Weightronic WA 14-65 for produce cut salad in pillow bag

Vegatronic 1000 with linear weigher TK - for bakery bread rolls in pillow bag

Ima Ilapak Vegatronic 1000 bagger packaging machine with linear weigher TK for bakery bread rolls in pillow bag

Vegatronic 2300 and WA 14-50 - for IQF meat burger patties

Ima Ilapak Vegatronic 2300 vertical form fill seal bagger packaging machine and multihead weigher Weightronic WA 14-50 for meat burger patties in pillow bag

Vegatronic 2000 Carrera 6000R - for confectionary candies in pillow

Ima Ilapak Vegatronic 2000 bagger packaging machine and Carrera flow wrap machine for confectionary candies in pillow bag

Vegatronic 2000 OF - for IQF chicken nuggets in pillow bag

Ima Ilapak Vegatronic 2000 Vertical form fill seal bagger packaging machine for IQF chicken nuggets in pillow bag
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