The full electric flowrapper

For IMA, sustainability has always been a priority and a fundamental value, according to which the Company operates. Such pledge evolved into the launch of the IMA ZERO project, in 2019, which is IMA’s Sustainable Development program that aims at reducing environmental impact in the manufacturing sector. This important commitment leads IMA to continuously study and develop several eco-friendly initiatives that can make a remarkable impact on the environment. 

The Full Electric flow wrapping machine falls under the Group’s IMA ZERO project, in particular under the LOW program (Low-Impact Program) that is one of the four categories in which IMA ZERO is declined, together with NOP (No-Plastic Program), E-MOB (Sustainable Mobility) and YOU (Human-Centric Program).

Among the sustainable projects implemented, IMA Ilapak developed the new Full Electric HFFS flowrapper - DELTA WW OF-HSX -  the innovative and sustainable machine that drastically reduces energy consumption the faster the machine operates. In general, the full electric solution can potentially be applied to all IMA Ilapak DELTA series.

Thanks to its ground-breaking features, the Full Electric machine was nominated for the Sustainability Award 2022 by SPS Italia, in the category “Excellence Award: Best project for sustainability”, as it aims at energy saving thanks to the absence of pneumatic applications. Not only does it save energy and money, but it also shows a far better performance than a standard pneumatic machine.

Comparing the Full electric machine to a standard flow wrapper and considering the same operating hours and speed – 170ppm - in one year, the DELTA consumes 1.500 kWh, whereas a standard machine 27.400 kWh (including air network losses). This project leads to less energy consumption, sustainability, less environmental impact and less business costs, while at the same time gaining a better performance and a greater efficiency.

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